API for UnPS-GAMA Technologies Copyright (C) David Todd (c0de) 2013 Usage-short: POST apikey, request, and type to api.unps.us Usage-long: For Shortening Links: POST apikey, request, and type to api.unps.us apikey should be equal to your 64 character apikey - Please keep this secure as it identifies your program and any usage that comes from it is your responsibility request in this case will be only the fully qualified link (EG: http://unps-gama.info or http://unps-gama.info/index.php). No extra information is required. type defines what the API should do. It should be only 'short' in this case (without the single quotes). The return will be: http://unps.us/?l=(Short link) For Uploading Pictures (NOTE THIS ISN'T COMPLETE YET): POST apikey, request, and type to api.unps.us apikey should be equal to your 64 character apikey - Please keep this secure as it identifies your program and any usage that comes from it is your responsibility request in this case will be the uploader name, comment, tags (comma seperated), image data - Seperate this data with -|- (EG: dc0de-|-A funny picture of a cat-|-cat,funny,dc0de,png-|-PICTUREDATA) type defines what the API should do. It should be only 'image' in this case (without the single quotes). The return will be: img.unps-gama.info/?img=(Image link) For Creating New API Users: POST apikey, request, and type to api.unps.us apikey should be equal to your 64 character apikey - Please keep this secure as it identifies your program and any usage that comes from it is your responsibility request in this case will be register's name, appname, register's email - Seperate this data with -|- (EG: dc0de:wpautoshort-|-c0de@unps.us). type defines what the API should do. It should be only 'newapi' in this case (without the single quotes). The return will be a table of all your information including the apikey For Showing API Stats (NOTE THIS ISN'T COMPLETE YET): POST apikey, request, and type to api.unps.us apikey should be equal to your 64 character apikey - Please keep this secure as it identifies your program and any usage that comes from it is your responsibility request in this case is optional, if you do just give the appname you're interested in looking at. type defines what the API should do. It should be only 'showstats' in this case (without the single quotes). The return will be a table showing how many times the api was used, most popular api feature, most used appname, number of registered applications, longest running api query, shortest running api query Note if you included an appname as the request, the table will show the above stats, but only for that specific application.